In view of the 85th General Chapter that will be celebrated from the 26th of August until 16th of September 2018 at the San Lorenzo da Brindisi International College, Rome, the Preparatory Commission nominated by the General Council, after consultation with the presidents of all the Conferences, met at the General Curia from the 29th of September until the 1st of October 2017 to draw up the programme and propose themes for discussion at the General Chapter.
The proposals of the Preparatory Commission were studied and reviewed by the General Council at its meeting in November 2017 and the same were presented to the Technical Commission that met at the San Lorenzo da Brindisi International College on the 13th of January 2018 to provide practical advice for the logistics of running such a big meeting.
Alongside these two commissions, the Economic Commission in collaboration with the Office of Statistics also provided their expert opinion with regard to the expenses for the General Chapter.
Preparatory Commission:
- Sergio Dal Moro, General Councilor - President
- Michael Fernandes, General Councilor
- Clayton Jaison Fernandes, Secretary General
- Robert Anthony Barbato (PR California)
- Roberto Genuin (PR Venice)
- Ciprian Vacaru (CU Romania)
- William Chang (PR Pontianak)
- Jean Miguina (CG Ciad-RCA)
- José Cruz (Ecuador)
- Tarcisio Mascia (PR Sardinia-Corsica) Secretary of the Preparatory Commission
Technical Commission:
- Hugo Mejía Morales, General Councilor - President
- Clayton Fernandes , Secretary General
- Damian Pereira, 1° Vice Secretary General
- Joaquim José Hangalo, IT office
- Francesco Neri, Rector, Collegio San Lorenzo da Brindisi, Rome
- Maximino Tessaro, Bursar, Collegio San Lorenzo da Brindisi, Rome
Economic Commission:
- Mark Schenk, General Councilor - President
- Alejandro Nuñez Ennabe, General Bursar
- Maximino Tessaro, Bursar, Collegio San Lorenzo da Brindisi, Rome