The New General Minister is Elected!
Rome, September 3. Today on the General Chapter schedule was the election of the new General Minister of the Order. At 9:30 in the morning all the friar capitulars gathered in the church of the International College for a special liturgy and a prayer for the election of the new Minister.
New General Minister !
Today, September 3, at our International College 'San Lorenzo da Brindisi', the General Chapter of the Capuchin friars elected as General Minister of the Order Br. Roberto Genuin from the Province of Venice. The term of the election is six years.
End of the First Week of General Chapter.
Rome, Saturday, September 1. The General Chapter’s first week of work concluded at the end of this morning. On the schedule for today was the Minister General’s presentation on, “The task and open questions regarding the role of the General Councilor.”
A world of initials!
Rome, August 30. The Capuchin General Chapter, having reached its fourth day, began today to discuss the report of the outgoing General Minister, Br. Mauro Jöhri, as well as the economic report given by the General Bursar, Br. Alejandro Nuñes Ennabe. Interventions could be given by individuals or by a coetus.